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EMPOWERED ACTORS NETWORK (Medium Banner (US) (Landscape)).png
Helping actors navigate the industry, book jobs and live full lives.

Join the waitlist for Adele's signature 12-week coaching program - for actors who want to get unstuck and become a booked & fulfilled actor!
*Limited spaces available

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Hi, I'm Adele. 👋🏽

Welcome! Let me tell you a little bit about me...

I became an actor because I have always been curious about people and an avid dream chaser... but I created the Empowered Actors Network because I noticed that none of the acting schools, courses, or "bIz oF tHe InDuStry" acting coaches out there are giving us the complete comprehensive package of holistic tools that we all need to navigate the industry, smash auditions and live a full and happy life in the process - aka thrive, rather than just survive!


I know first-hand what the cost of chasing your dreams can be, but I am here to tell you that you can be the gate keeper of your own acting career. AND it's possible to be successful whilst thriving in the rest your life as well. My clients and I are proof of that.

So, if you are ready to level up, I can't wait to help you WIN!


"If anyone is struggling with audition technique or the industry and is finding themselves in a rut, choosing Adele as your coach would be the best thing you could ever do for your career."



"Brick walls aren't there to stop you. They're there to give you a chance to see how bad you want it."

- Viola Davis

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